Why multi-genre?
Multi-genre. Why do you write for so many different age groups and in so many different genres? It’s a question I hear frequently. Why do...
Life Disrupted: A Source for Creation
A month ago we moved. We left a community where we’d been deeply rooted for the last thirty years. We left wide skies and open fields of...

Paperback Between Before and After!
Available 11/5/19. Time to get your classroom and book group sets! Teachers be watching for BBA at NCTE in Baltimore! We'll be...

Nine Young Adults Novels That Mine Truth From American History
You can find Between Before and After in this excellent round up of American historical fiction for teens. Watch a video for each book...

Announcing Big Ideas for Little Philosophers!
I'm so excited to share this new project with this amazing team! The questions we ask as children help shape the adults we become. Let's...

Every Story a Survival Story
At its heart every good story is a survival story. The stakes are always death. That doesn’t always mean a physical death. It may be an...

YA Survival Tour Hits the Road!
Despite snow and sleet...
Free Book Discussion Guide and Free Skype Visit
Tonight I'll be meeting with a book group to discuss Between, Before and After. Download the discussion guide here. This group is packed...